Recent News
PARSA 2023
Kerry Hadfield October 2022
We are very excited to invite you to join us for the 51st Parasitological Society of Southern Africa conference. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, University of Pretoria. More information to follow in 2023.
Please watch the Meetings page for updated information.
Call For Applications 2023
Kerry Hadfield October 2022
There are a number of annual PARSA awards given out every year. If you are interested in applying, please see the below deadlines and click on the below link for more information regarding the criteria for each award.
Nomination deadlines:
30 May 2023: Angela Davies-Russell Award (Postgraduate Student Outputs)
30 May 2023: Elsdon-Dew Medal
30 June 2023: Junior and Senior Neitz Medals
30 July 2023: Neitz Memorial Scholarship (Travel Grant)
30 July 2023: Early-career Conference Support
PARSA Quarterly Newsletter
Kerry Hadfield February 2022
All PARSA members receive a biannual newsletter with all the latest PARSA information. For the next issue we are looking for any of the following contributions:
Feature articles on research being done in your institute (with photos).
Summary on the life and work of a respected and well-known parasitologist.
Student abstracts from across southern Africa conveying the various research being done on parasites in Africa.
Reviews and photos of the parasitological conferences and workshops attended.
News to be distributed including job and bursary opportunities, post-graduate project opportunities and awards won by our PARSA members.
Please forward the information that you would like to be circulated amongst members to Kerry Hadfield (info@parsa.ac.za).