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Please download the PARSA constitution, code of conduct and NPO certificate here:




PARSA Constitution



PARSA Code of Conduct


The Parasitological Society of Southern Africa Constitution

    1.1. The name of the Society shall be THE PARASITOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (DIE PARASITOLOGIESE VERENIGING VAN SUIDELIKE AFRIKA) and shall have the recognised acronym PARSA (hereinafter referred to as “the Society”).
    1.2. The address and main place of business of the Society will be that of the Treasurer

    2.1. To promote and sustain the research in and study of Parasitology.
    2.2. To disseminate information on the subject and hold conferences.
    2.3. To promote the interests of Parasitologists in southern Africa.
    2.4. To provide representation on international organisations.

    The Society will exist as a voluntary association with a legal identity independent of its members and shall:
    3.1. exist in its own right, separately from its members or office bearers;
    3.2. be able to own property and other possessions;
    3.3. be able to sue and be sued in its own name.

    The Society shall be affiliated with the World Federation of Parasitologists.

    5.1. Membership shall consist of ordinary and honorary members and be open to all persons interested in Parasitology, irrespective of race, colour, gender, language, religion and social or national origin.
    5.2. Society members must become familiar with and comply with the rules and regulations as set out in the Code of Conduct of the society.
    5.3.Ordinary membership:
    5.3.1. Ordinary membership may be attained by application to the council and by payment of such subscriptions as set out in 5.3.2 and 10.1.
    5.3.2. Application, accompanied by the specified subscription and entrance fees, shall be made by the candidate to the Treasurer for submission and acceptance by the Council.
    5.4. Honorary membership:
    5.4.1. Honorary Life membership may be conferred on any individual in recognition of their contribution to Parasitology. All recipients of the Elsdon-Dew Medal automatically become Honorary Life Members.
    5.4.2. Nominations for Honorary Membership may be made by any ordinary member, but must be seconded and accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the candidate. The council may thereafter make appropriate recommendations to the Society for approval at the AGM or by electronic voting.
    5.4.3. In exceptional cases, a previous president or vice-president may be nominated and elected an Honorary Life Vice-President.
    5.5. Membership termination:
    5.5.1. Members may terminate their membership at any time, in writing, or indicate such on the annual subscription invoice.
    5.5.2. Membership shall further terminate on any of the following eventualities: the death of a member or cancellation by the Society due to non-payment of membership fees.
    5.5.3. Membership fees will not be refunded. In the event of non-payment of membership fees, for a period of 3 years, a member’s membership shall automatically lapse, and they will have to reapply for membership.
    5.5.4. Any appeal against loss of membership must be addressed to the President for consideration.
    5.6. All ordinary and honorary members with paid-up membership fees shall be entitled to vote at the AGM, either in person, by written proxy or electronically.
    5.7. Members or office bearers of the organisation do not have rights to property or assets that belong to the organisation.

    6.1. The council of the Society will manage the organisation and will be the office-bearers of the organisation. This council shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Communications Manager, who shall each hold office for three years. Additional members may be co-opted as deemed necessary, with functions and roles as agreed upon by the council.
    6.2. The council may take on the power and authority that it believes it needs to be able to achieve the objectives of the organisation.
    6.3. Council may conduct its business via meetings (electronic or in person) and email correspondence but shall meet at or before the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society. Appropriate minutes shall be kept.
    6.4. Election:
    6.4.1. Redistribution of Offices:
    The councillors shall be elected for a period of three years after which a re-election shall be held. The retiring President and Vice-President shall not seek re-election in the same offices, but the Secretary, Treasurer and Promotions Manager may be re-elected.
    6.4.2. Nominations of Council:
    Nominations, duly seconded and accepted by the candidate must be in the hands of the Secretary at least one month before the AGM. Candidates should be PARSA members in good standing for at least 2 years. Appropriate ballot papers/voting forms (including electronic) shall be sent to all members and voting will need to be before or at the AGM. Failing any written nominations, the Chairperson of the Annual General Meeting may call for nominations and acceptances from the floor.
    6.4.3. Voting:
    Voting shall be by confidential ballot and may be conducted electronically.
    6.5. Termination:
    Council members may resign or be removed from office by choice or by forced removal.
    6.5.1. Resignation:
    If a council member chooses to resign before the end of their period of office, they must submit their resignation in writing to the President of the society (or Vice-President if the President resigns).
    6.5.2. No confidence:
    A motion of no confidence in a council member may be made by at least three committee members or a two-thirds majority vote from the society. Committee members should send a written notice to the President (or
    Vice-President if necessary) to hold a special meeting to consider no confidence in the council member

    6.5.3. Re-election:
    In the case where a member has resigned or been removed from the society, a special election can be held for the appointment of the new council member.
    6.5.4. The Society will continue existence notwithstanding changes in the composition of its membership or office-bearers, unless decided upon under the conditions of point 12 (Dissolving of Society).
    6.6. The Council shall have the following powers:
    6.6.1. Acquire, encumber, administer, and dispose of assets, property and funds of the Society in pursuit of its objectives;
    6.6.2. Sign contracts or other documents, including suretyships securing any debts incurred on behalf of the Society;
    6.6.3. Open, close and operate bank accounts in the name of the Society as may be necessary for the proper conduct of its financial affairs;
    6.6.4. In its sole and absolute discretion, delegate its functions in respect of any of the affairs of the Society to any person or committee;
    6.6.5. Appoint, hire and dismiss employees, agents or contractors, and determine their conditions of service and remuneration;
    6.6.6. Fix and pay allowances, any costs and charges to any person or body in pursuit of the objectives of the Society;
    6.6.7. Form standing or ad-hoc committees as may be in the interests of the Society and determine membership prerequisites, duties, rights and obligations of such committees as it sees fit and dissolve such committees at its discretion.
    6.6.8. Delegate such powers to the said committees as it sees fit;
    6.6.9. Institute, conduct, defend, settle or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Society, including the payment, or claiming, of any attendant legal costs, taxed or otherwise;
    6.6.10. In its sole and absolute discretion, employ agents, professional advisors and experts in any sphere where deemed necessary or advisable in the interests of the Society;
    6.6.11. Raise funds and collect membership fees, interest and other income accruing to the Society;
    6.6.12. In case of any doubt as to the meaning or import of any portion of the Constitution, the interpretation of the Council shall be final and binding.
    6.7. Liability:
    6.7.1. Council members are not liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the Society solely by virtue of their status as council members of the Society. Councillors are also not personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act or omission which occurs in good faith while the office-bearer is performing functions for or on behalf of the Society.
    6.7.2. Any contract with a service provider is with the society, and not with the local organising committee (LOC).
    6.8. Council portfolios:

    The respective functions of the elected council members are tabulated below.
    • Lead the society for the respective term.
    • Manage the adjudication of society-related awards and scholarships.
    • Arrange and chair the council meetings.
    • Act as society representative at WFP.
    • Assist president where needed.
    • Advisor for the LOC that hosts the annual PARSA conference.
    • Manages SACNASP & SAVC CPD registration.
    • Take minutes of council and AGM meetings.
    Keep copies of all relevant society and council records.
    Assist with administration regarding the various awards and scholarships.
    Engraving of the medals and printing certificates for the annual awards.
    Manage the annual membership payments and annual financial statements with the help of the auditors.
    • Signatory on bank accounts and receives notifications regarding the PARSA accounts.
    Generate and send invoices for payment of membership fees to all members.
    Communications Manager
    Manage the society website, making regular updates and keeping it current.
    • Distribute the society newsletters regularly throughout the year.
    • Assist with society-related correspondence via e-mail.
    • Develop various promotional items where needed.

    This Constitution may be altered by a minimum of 50% of the votes received at a meeting provided that:
    7.1. Notice of such a proposed alteration and appropriate ballot papers have been circulated to all members at least two weeks before the relevant meeting.
    7.2. Suggested amendments to the constitution are circulated to members electronically and they can respond/vote electronically.
    7.3. At least 50% of the members in good standing have cast their vote.

    The Society may hold Business and Scientific Meetings at any time, but must hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM or General Meeting).
    8.1. General Meeting:
    8.1.1. A General Meeting shall be held annually.
    8.1.2. Notice of any General Meeting shall be sent electronically to all members at least two weeks before the date of such a meeting. Items for inclusion in the Agenda must be in the hands of the Secretary at least one week before the due date.
    8.1.3. At all General Meetings of the Society, a quorum shall consist of at least 50% of members in good standing who are eligible to vote. In the case where a quorum is not present, all members will be informed that the AGM has been postponed to a date determined by the Council (within 6 weeks of the initial date) at which time the AGM will be accepted irrespective of the number of members (and proxies) present.
    8.1.4. A General Meeting shall have the power, in exceptional cases, to suspend certain clauses of the Constitution in order to allow the Society to continue functioning.
    8.1.5. The Council may constitute the General Meeting electronically should circumstances prevent a physical meeting. Similarly, all notices, communication and voting relating to the General Meeting may also be conducted electronically.
    8.1.6. Minutes of the decisions taken at the AGM will be kept and distributed to all members.
    8.2. Scientific meetings:
    These may be held in conjunction with other scientific or professional organisations.
    8.3. Business meetings:
    In addition to the AGM specified above, additional meetings may be called by Council itself or on request by at least one-third of the members.
    8.3.1. Notice:
    Notice of a Business Meeting with its Agenda must be in the hands of the Members at least one week before the due date.
    8.3.2. Agenda:
    Items for inclusion in the Agenda must be in the hands of the Secretary at least two days before the due date.
    8.3.3. Quorum:
    At all business meetings of the Society, a quorum shall consist of at least 50% of the five elected council members (point 6.1).

  9. AWARDS:
    The Society may make awards for the advancement of Parasitology, as the occasion arises and as set out in the Bye-laws. Conditions for the awards will be updated and shared on the society website.

    10.1. Ordinary membership:
    10.1.1. Each ordinary member shall pay an annual subscription as specified in advance and due on 31 March of each year (membership is per calendar year).
    10.1.2. New members shall pay an entrance fee as specified by the AGM.
    10.1.3. Members whose subscriptions are in arrears for 3 or more years will automatically forfeit all privileges until such time as they are in good standing (backpay all outstanding fees).
    10.1.4. Members need to provide their proof of payment for membership fees (annual or outstanding) to the Treasurer.
    10.2. Honorary membership:
    All Elsdon-Dew Medal recipients and retired members are exempt from paying membership fees.

    11.1. Financial Year:
    The Society’s financial year spans from 1 August to 31 July.
    11.2. Banking:
    The Treasurer and one other nominated Member of Council shall be entitled to operate the Society’s funds, which shall be lodged with a reputable financial institution. An appropriate balance sheet shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
    11.3. Income:
    The Society’s income and property are not distributable or warranted to its members or office-bearers, except as reasonable compensation for services rendered.

    12.1. Should the Society be dissolved, for whatever reason, a special AGM will have to be called (the notice of the meeting should go out 30 days prior to the meeting date).
    12.2. Two-thirds of all the members should vote in favour of dissolution – these members should be present at the meeting or have sent in a proxy vote.
    12.3. All monies and assets will be distributed to an organisation with similar interests of advancing parasitology in southern Africa.
    12.4. All members are liable for their membership fees until the dissolving of the society, thereafter membership of the new Society would be optional.
    12.5. A notice informing the members of the dissolving of the society will be communicated 3 months before the date of execution.

  13. BYE-LAWS:
    Decisions concerning the running of the Society taken at Annual and Special General Meetings shall become Bye-Laws. It shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to record these as such and to keep an up-to-date list of all Bye-Laws.

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